• 正在播放:神探阿蒙 第二季-第13集
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导演:迪恩·帕裏索 蘭迪·奇斯克 邁克爾·斯皮勒 勞倫斯·特裏林 卡爾·謝弗 湯姆·迪西羅 Michael Zinberg Michael Fresco 托尼·比爾 克雷格·齊斯克 

主演:托尼·夏爾赫布 比蒂·施拉姆 泰德·拉文 賈森·加裏-斯坦福德 

《神探阿蒙 第二季》是由知名导演迪恩·帕裏索 蘭迪·奇斯克 邁克爾·斯皮勒 勞倫斯·特裏林 卡爾·謝弗 湯姆·迪西羅 Michael Zinberg Michael Fresco 托尼·比爾 克雷格·齊斯克 执导的一部美劇,托尼·夏爾赫布 比蒂·施拉姆 泰德·拉文 賈森·加 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Former  police detective Ad rian  Monk (Ton y Shalhoub), whose photographic me mory a  nd amazing abilit  y to piece together ti ny clues m ade him a local  legend, has suffe  red fro m intens  ified obsessive -compulsive disorder an d a variety of ph obias since the unsolv ed mu rder of his wife, Tru dy, in 1997. Now o  n psychia tric leave  fro m the San  Fran  cisco Police Department and working as a freelance de tective/  consult ant on difficult cases, Monk hopes to conv ince h is former boss, Captai n Le land Stottlemeyer  (Ted Levine), to  allow   him to return to th  e forc  e. Stottl emeyer, who w avered  between admiratio n for Mon k and annoyance at his e ccentriciti es during the first se ason, is becoming  more of a friend to Monk a s the serie s develops, freque ntly calling him in to help, as  much for M onk 9;s benefit as for his  own. Howev er, he  knows Monk& #39;s limitations as w ell as h is strengths and may  still ha rbor  doubts abou t the wi sdom of  allowing Monk to carry a gu  n or subdue a perpetrat or. Stottlemeye r' s sec ond-in-command, Li eutenant Randall Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford), also seems t o be developing bo  th admirat ion and co mpassion for the man he onc e labele d "th e defecti ve detective."  Despi  te flaw s and inadeq  uaci es al l around, the three  are beco ming an increasingly effective team, with a dditional help f rom M  onk& #39;s  personal assistant. Fr om the doubl e-epi sode pilot through t  he first half of season th  ree, Monk   was aided by his nurse, Shar ona Fle ming (B itty  Schram). But in the ten th episode of the third season,  Sharona was replaced  by a new assistant, Na talie Tee  ger (Traylor Howard). Like Sh arona, a divorcee with a son named Benjy , Natalie is a single parent, a widow w ith  a dau  ghter name d Julie (Emmy Cla rke). Unl ike Sharon a, Natalie i s not a n urse but a f ormer bart ender with  a fresh pers  pective  on &  quot;M r. Monk,&qu ot; as  she still  addresses her new bos s.  说到这里,木头人顿了顿,“你可能 不知道,我主人一直怀 疑,他们之中,  有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏  。他说,那个人智计无双,大家一 直查不到他,可能是因 为,那人的修为 远在他们之上,是对方隐藏起来的第三位圣者。”

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