• 正在播放:神探阿蒙 第二季-第10集
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导演:迪恩·帕裏索 蘭迪·奇斯克 邁克爾·斯皮勒 勞倫斯·特裏林 卡爾·謝弗 湯姆·迪西羅 Michael Zinberg Michael Fresco 托尼·比爾 克雷格·齊斯克 

主演:托尼·夏爾赫布 比蒂·施拉姆 泰德·拉文 賈森·加裏-斯坦福德 

《神探阿蒙 第二季》是由知名导演迪恩·帕裏索 蘭迪·奇斯克 邁克爾·斯皮勒 勞倫斯·特裏林 卡爾·謝弗 湯姆·迪西羅 Michael Zinberg Michael Fresco 托尼·比爾 克雷格·齊斯克 执导的一部美劇,托尼·夏爾赫布 比蒂·施拉姆 泰德·拉文 賈森·加 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Former police detective  Adrian Monk (Tony  Shalhoub), whose photo graphic m  emory and amazing abil ity to piece  together ti ny clues made him a local lege  nd, has suf fered from intensified obses sive-compulsive disorder and a variety of phobias since the unsolved murder of his w ife,  Trudy,  in 1997. Now on psyc hiatr ic leave from the San F rancisco Police Depart ment and wor  king as a freelance detective/ consultant on diffi cult case s, Monk hop  es to convin ce h is former  boss, C  aptain Leland Stott lemeyer (Ted Levine), t o allow him to return to the force. Stott lemeyer, w  ho wavered  between a dmiration for Monk and annoyance at his eccentri cities during the first season , is becom ing more  of a friend to Monk as the se ries develops, f requently calling  him in  to  help,  as much for  Monk's benef it as f  or his  own. H owever, he knows Monk&# 39;s li  mitations as well a s his streng ths and may still harbo r dou bts about  the  wisdom of  allow  ing Monk to ca rry a gun  or subdu e a p erpet rator. Sto  ttlemey er's second-i  n-command,  Lieute nant Randall Disher (Ja son Gra  y-Stanford), al so seems to b e deve  loping both admirat ion and  compassion for  the man he onc  e labeled " the defective detectiv e."  Des  pite flaw s and in adequacies  all around, the thr  ee are beco  ming an  increasingl y effe ctive team, with addition al help from Monk's p ersonal assistant. From  the doubl e-episode pilot thro ugh th e first half of season  three, Monk was aided by his nurse, Sharona Fleming (Bi tty Schr am). But in t he tenth e pisode of t he third season, Sharona  was replaced  by a n ew assistant, Natalie Teeger (Traylor How ard). Like Sharona, a divorcee with a son na med Benjy, Natalie is a single parent, a widow with a daughter named J ulie (Emmy Cla rke). Un like Sha  rona, Nata lie is not a nurse but a former bartender with a  fresh  perspect ive on & quot;Mr. Monk," a s she st ill addresses her  new boss.  安画有些意兴阑珊地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地 里的传送宝盒被洪 叔带走了,这件 事,我已经给你们在天音嘱秘密留言了,所以,他那边  失却的东西, 我管不了, 这里的…  …是我们收集的各方 资料,你好好看,也许对 你有用。”

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