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分类:喜劇片 美國 1989

主演:唐·亞當斯 芭芭拉·費爾頓 伯尼·克佩爾 



《糊塗偵探歸來》是由知名导演蓋瑞·尼爾森 执导的一部喜劇片,唐·亞當斯 芭芭拉·費爾頓 伯尼·克佩爾 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Get Smart, Again! is a made- for-TV movie based on the 1965-1970 NBC/C BS televisi on series, G et Smart!, which ori ginally aired February 26, 1989 on  ABC (ir onicall  y, the network that rejected the original pilot fo r the Get Smart! T V series). It has subsequently  been released twice on  DVD by di fferent  publishers. In the video release of the movie, the backg round canned la ughter (pre-recorded laughter added later to the soundtrack ), is abse nt.   Overview  Differences between Get Smart, Again! and The Nude Bomb  The  film is not as well know   n as the ear lier  theatrical r elease, The Nude Bomb, also   based on Get Sm  art, but wa s better rece ived by fans of th e ori ginal program. Un like The Nud e Bomb, which featured only the  characters of Smart, The Chief (with Dana  Elc ar replacin  g the dece ased Edward Platt), Agent 13 (Dave Ketchum in the series, portrayed by Joey Forman in The Nude Bomb , who had played the chara cter Harry Hoo in th  e series) and Larrabee, Get Smar t, Again! feat ured al l of the su rviving or iginal cast repr ising their roles. Th e ton e and feel of Ge t Sm art, Again! were also  closer to   that of the or  iginal serie s. Get Smart, Again! was written and produced by Leonard Stern, who w as a producer  of t he original series. One eleme nt of  the  Nude B omb ignored completely was the ren  aming of C  ONTR  OL as PITS i n the earlier film; although as CO NTROL is said t o have disbanded in the 1 970s , it's    not im possible for both CONT ROL and PI TS t  o exist within the continuity of the fra nchise .  Barbara Feldon's  chara cter, 99, makes  a reference to T.H.R.U.S.H., th e evil organization in The Man From U.N.C.  L.E. , a show on which  Feldon guest -starred .  T heme  music  Get Smart, Again! also reprises the TV pro gram' ;s original theme music  and openin g credit seq uence, which were absent from  The Nude Bomb. In this case, howev er, the co rridors were covered in cobwebs and the phone-b ooth el evat or t hat led to CONTR OL headquarters worked in reverse,  causing Sma rt to be thr own to the top of the booth.  S ynopsis  Maxwell Smart, actin g as a pro tocol office r since CONTROL was disbanded in the early 1970s , is rea ctivated as  a counterin telligence agent by Commande r Drury  (Kenne th Mars) of the United S tates Intell igence Agency. KAOS, long  considered  def unct, has been revitalized by a corpor ate tak eover. I ts fi  rst scheme i nvolve s turning a forgotten  American sci entis t an d using h is weathe r control machine to  extort $250 billion  US dollars from the United Sta tes Gov ernment . Drur y, c onvinced   that only S mart has  the experti se to combat  KAOS, gives him carte blanche to  reactivat e former CO NTROL agents to assist him in his task.  Along w  ith Drury's bumbling aide, Beamish (Steve Levitt),  Smart recruits La rrabee (who, believing that h e was under  orders from  Richard Nixon to st ay at his p ost until relieved, ha s been  living in his office in the now-ab andoned C ONTROL hea dquart ers tending hi s office pla nts), Ag  ent 13, Hymie the Robot (now employed as a crash test  dummy) an d ult imate ly, his wife 99 (Barbara F eldon) to find the  securit y leak that allowed the scientist  to defec t, l ocate t he weat her machine and disar m it. They are  oppos ed by KAOS moles  within the USIA, who are able to pr edict   Max's ev ery move with the aid of stolen c opies of 99's unpublished mem oirs. The visible head of the KAOS scheme is rev ealed to be Max's old ne mesis, Siegfried, but he is merely the ag ent of a higher executive whom even he ha s never met  . This h igher power is  finall y rev ealed as Nicholas Dem ente (Harold Gould), 99' s publishe r, who intends not only to extort the money but  also   to create weather th at will keep people eternall y indoors an d interfere with televis ion recep tion, forc ing mi llions to enter tain themselves   by buying Demente's books and   pub lications.    Comed ic style  The  scrip  t is litter ed with typical Max well Smart verbal gags, and  large po  rtions of   the  plot serve only as set ups for Get Smart!-style sight gags (such a s a duel between Max and a KAOS hitman using re mote con trolled fil e cab inet drawers ). The film also featur es the array  of bizarre gadgetry  and pol  itical  sati re that were hallmarks of the original se ries. The cone of silence has  been superseded by  "Hove r Cover" ; where a meeting is held on a roof top with th ree helic opters ho  veri ng overhead. The failure  of Hov er Cover leads to the developme nt of "The Hall O f Hush",a  soundproof room where  words print out silently in mi d air, a success at first until the w ords begin to pr int for  ward, backward and on top of each other.  Max  changes the well known q uote "Dr. Livingstone I Presume" to "Dr. Hottentot I Presume&q uot;.   1995 r evival  The relativ  e success of the f ilm prompte d the develo pment of  a short-l  ived 1995 weekly series  on FO X, also tit led Get Smart, with Don Adams and Ba rbara Fel don reprisin g their characters as their bumblin g son, Zach  (Andy Dick), becomes CONTROL&# 39;s  star age nt.  原班人馬啊 ,好想看。T AT  好半晌,他才放下 玉简抬头看向陆灵蹊, “有这事。”他站起来,走 向另一边的玉架,从上面  拿了一枚蓝玉制成 的玉佩,“当初主人觉得 ,佐蒙人不会 放过天渊七界飞升 的一切生灵,但是人族寿元就那么多,人心复杂,他没办法 因势力导,但 是妖族却可以。” 



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