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主演:唐·亞當斯 芭芭拉·費爾頓 伯尼·克佩爾 

《糊塗偵探歸來》是由知名导演蓋瑞·尼爾森 执导的一部喜劇片,唐·亞當斯 芭芭拉·費爾頓 伯尼·克佩爾 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Get Smart, Agai n! is a made-for -TV movie based  on the 1965-1 970 NBC/CB  S te levision series, Get Smart!, which or iginally a ired Febru ary 26, 1989 on ABC (ironically, the  network  that rejec ted the original pilot fo r the Get S mart! TV se ries). It has subsequently bee n released twice on DVD by d  iffe rent publish ers. In the vi deo releas  e of   the movie, the background  canned  laughter (pre-recorded  laughter added lat er to the soundtrack), is absent .  Overview  Differences be tween Get Smart , Again! and The Nude Bomb  Th e film is  not as well   known  as the earlier theat rical release, The Nu de Bomb, als o ba sed on Get S mart, but was better receiv ed by fa ns of the or iginal program.   Unlike  The Nu de Bomb,  which featured only the charact ers of Smart, The Chief (wi th Dana  Elcar replacing the deceased Edward Platt), Agent 13  (Dave Ketchum in the series, por trayed by Joey For man in The Nude Bomb , who had pl ayed the  charact er Harr y Hoo in t he s eries) and  Larrabee,  Get Smart, Again! f eatured all of th  e survi ving original cas t repri sing their r oles. Th  e to ne and feel of Get Smart,  Again! were  also close r to that of the or iginal series. Get Smart, Again! was  written and pr oduced by Leonard Stern, wh o was a producer  of the original s  eries. O ne element  of the Nud e Bomb i gnored completely was the ren aming of CON TROL as PITS in  the e arlier f ilm; althoug h as CONTROL is said to  have disba nded in the 1970s, it's not  impossible for both  CONTROL a nd PIT S to exist within the continuity of the franchis e.   Barba  ra Fel don's  charact er, 99, makes a reference to T.H.R.U.S .H., the evil org  anizatio n in The Man Fro m U.N.C.L.E., a sho  w on  which Feldon gues  t-starred.  Theme music  Get Smart, A gain! also repri  ses t he TV prog ram' s origi nal theme music and open ing credit sequence, which were  absent fr  om The Nude Bomb . In this  case, howev  er, the c orridors were covered i n cobwebs an d the phone-booth elevator  that led to  CONTROL headquart ers worked in revers e, causing S mart t  o be thrown to the top of the  booth.  Synop  sis  M  axwell Smart, acting as a p rotocol officer since CONTROL  was disbanded in the ea rly 1970s,   is reactiv ated  as a count erintelligence agent by Comm ander Drury (Kenneth Mars) of the United States Intel ligence Agency. KAOS, long consid ered defunct, ha s been revit alized by  a corporate takeover. Its first scheme involves tu rning a forgo tten Amer ican s cientist and using h  is weather contr ol machine to extort $250  billion US dollars from the United  States Go vernment. Drury, con vinc ed that  only Smart has the expertise to com bat KAOS, gives him carte blanche to reactivate  former CONTROL age nts to assist him in his task. Along w ith Drury's b umbling aide, Beamis h (Steve Le vitt), Smart recr uits Larrabee (who, believing that he  was under orde rs from Ric hard Nixon t o stay at  his post  until relieve  d, has be en living in his office in the now-abandoned CONTROL he  adqu arters tending his of fice plants), Agent 13, Hymie the Robot (now employed a s a crash t est dummy)  and ulti mately, his wife 99 (Barbara Feldon) t o fin d the security leak that allowed the scientis  t to defect, locate the weather mach ine an d disarm it. They are opposed by KAOS mol es within the USIA,  who are able to predict Max&# 39;s eve ry move with the aid o f stolen copies  of 999;s unpublish ed memoirs. The vi sibl e head of the KAOS scheme is re vealed to be Max's old neme sis, Siegfried,  but he is merely the agent of a hig  her executive w hom even he has neve r met. Th  is higher  power  is fina lly revealed as Nicho las Demente (Harold Gould),  99 9;s publis her, who intends not only to extor t the m oney but also to c reate weat her that will keep people etern  ally indoor s and interfere wi th television reception,  forcing millions to entertain themselves by bu ying   Demente's books and publica tions.  Comedic style  The script  is l ittered with typical Max  well Sma rt ve rbal gags, a nd large portions of t he plot serv e only as  set ups for Get Sma rt!-style si ght gags (such  as a  duel betw een Max and a KAOS hitman using rem  ote contr olled file  cabine t draw  ers). The fi lm also features the array of bizarre gadgetry  and political satir  e that were h allmarks of the ori ginal series. The cone of silence  has been s upersede  d by "Hov er Co  ver& quot; where a meeting is held  on a rooftop with thr ee helico pters hovering  ove rhead. Th e failure of Hove  r Cover l eads to   the development of "The Hall  Of Hush&quo t;,a soundp roof  room  where words print ou t silently in mid air, a su cces s at first until the words begin to print forward, backward and on top of each other.  Max  cha  nges the  well known quote "D r. Livings tone I Presume" to "Dr.   Hottentot I Presume".  1995  revival  Th  e relat ive su ccess of the film  prompted the development of a short-lived  1995 weekly se ries on FOX, also  titled Get Smart, w ith Don Ad ams and Barbara Feldon reprising the ir characters as t heir bumb  ling son, Z ach (Andy  Dick), bec omes CONT  ROL's s tar agent.  原班人 馬啊,好想看。TAT  说到这里, 木头人顿 了顿,“你可能 不知道,我主人一直 怀疑,他们之中,有早就到这方宇宙的佐蒙人潜伏。他说,那个人智计无双,大家一 直查不到 他,可能是因为,那人的修为远在他们之上 ,是对方隐藏起来的第三 位圣者。”

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