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2.0 很差

分类:戰爭片 其它 1973

主演:Dilorom Kambarova 蘇伊曼庫爾·喬 

导演:Ali Khamrayev 


《第七顆子彈》是由知名导演Ali Khamrayev 执导的一部戰爭片,Dilorom Kambarova 蘇伊曼庫爾·喬 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The Seventh Bullet  is a Soviet Ostern film of 1 972 direc ted by A li Khamraev . In the sam e tradition as The W  hite Sun of  the Desert and The  Bodyguard, The Seventh Bullet is set  after the Russ ian Civil W  ar wh ich end ed in t  he 1920s whe n Soviet power established itself   in Central As ia in the wake of the Basmachi  rebellion. Despite this  slight shift in emp hasis and a pos t-war se tting,  The Sev enth Bulle  t is clo ser to a typ ical  war fi lm than other Red Westerns beca use of a prom inence of tactical resourcefulness  in the development of the plot. Alt  hough  of course this  is a stap le of many American Western s from John  Ford's cavalry se ries to the many Apa che w ar films.   Despit e the restoration o  f Sov iet power in the area , Basmachis con tinue to arrive from across the border, bringin g death a nd de  struction t o peaceful villages.  One of the bands o f re bels is l ed by Khairulla who is pitted against the militsiya  (local militia) leader Maxu mov. At  first it s eems hopeless for Ma xumov as th e rebels capture most of  his men, w inni ng them over to his si de. H e has onl  y one strategy left; to give hims elf up,  and try to explain to the people that Kha irulla has deceived them, turning  the soldiers back to revolu  tion. Later in p ursuit of his  enemy, h e chase s Khairulla across a r iver.  He has o  nly  one bull  et left—the seventh, and he must not mi ss his target!  想到那个神出鬼没的东 西,印颜的心又剧烈 跳动起来,“本 来,昌长老感觉能按住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的,它突然又厉害起来, 然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖子,昌长老没 办法,才完全放开了身体的 封印。”



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