• 正在播放:實習醫生格蕾 第五季-16
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导演:Rob Corn 

主演:艾倫·旁派 帕特裏克·德姆西 吳珊卓 凱瑟琳·海格爾 賈斯汀·錢伯斯 T·R·奈特 傑弗裏·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan 

《實習醫生格蕾 第五季》是由知名导演Rob Corn 执导的一部美劇,艾倫·旁派 帕特裏克·德姆西 吳珊卓 凱瑟琳·海格 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Recip  ient of the 2007 Golden Gl obe Award for Best Dr ama Television Series and multip le Emmy nominations,  including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatom y"  returns  to the A BC Televisi on Networ k for its fifth season.  I s "happ  ily ev er aft er" pos sible for M eredith Grey and Derek  "M  cDreamy&q uot; Shepherd? With Meredit h experiencing a break through in therap y - t he realization that she and Dere k can be extraordinary together, rather th an ord inary apart -- she and Derek now face the hi ghs and lows  of being a committed coup  le.   Continuing their first year as residen ts at S eattle Grace Hos pital, Meredith, Cristina Yang  , Izzie Stev ens and Alex Kare v have interns of thei r own to mentor, includin g Meredith's half -sister  , Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a ro ommate an d confidan  te to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and  learni ng that he f ailed h is reside  ncy t est by on ly one point, is striving to get both his  prof essional and perso  nal life bac k on tra  ck.    After atte nding   to his  girlfriend Rebecca's mental ill ness on his  own, and revealing that he  had gone through this with his own moth er, Alex finds solace in Izzie 9;s arms. Alex must c ontinue t hrough t his  diff icult t ime, wheth er or not Izzie remain s by his s  ide.  Cristi na, having f inally wo n out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track  as a surgeo  n - but is there a c hance for new love in   her lif e as well ?  With the enc ouragement of Mark "McSteamy&quo t; Sloan, Dr. Calli e Torres has taken a chance on lov e with ca  rdiothoracic  surg  eon, Erica Hah n; n ow, she and  Erica  must figure  out w hat happens after the firs t kiss.  Ov erseeing th e resident s is the no-nonsense Chief  Resident , Miranda Bailey.  Faci ng marital troubles and the diff  iculty of ba lancing her  work and personal  life , Bailey has ha nded her re sponsibilities a s he ad of the free clinic over to Izzie.  Also striving  for b alance is Chief   of Sur gery,  Richard  Webber,  who has reunited with his es tranged wife, Adele.  The doctors of Seattle Grace Ho spital deal w ith life-or- death conse quences on a daily bas is - it9;s in one an other that they  find comfort, friendship an d love. Together they';re discover ing tha t neither medicine  nor relationships can be defined in bla ck and white. Re al l ife onl y co mes in shades of g rey.  &quo t;Grey ';s Anatomy& quot; stars  Ellen Pompeo as  Mered ith G rey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra  Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl  as Isobel "Izzie"  Stev ens, Justi n Chambers as Alex Ka rev, T.R. Knight as G eorge O'Mall ey, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Ba  iley,  James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara  Ramire z as Callie Torres, Eric Dane  as Mark Sloan, Chyl er Leigh  as Lexie  Grey, a nd Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.  想到那个神 出鬼没的东西,印颜的心又剧烈跳 动起来,“ 本来,昌长老感觉能按住 那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎 的,它突然又厉害起来,然后, 那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借 着地利,连着抹了 西才他们的脖子,昌长老没办法 ,才完全放开了身体的 封印。”

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