• 正在播放:實習醫生格蕾 第五季-第16集
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导演:Rob Corn 

主演:艾倫·旁派 帕特裏克·德姆西 吳珊卓 凱瑟琳·海格爾 賈斯汀·錢伯斯 T·R·奈特 傑弗裏·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan 

《實習醫生格蕾 第五季》是由知名导演Rob Corn 执导的一部美劇,艾倫·旁派 帕特裏克·德姆西 吳珊卓 凱瑟琳·海格 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Re cipie nt of the 20 07 Golden Glob e Award for Best Dr  ama Televisi on Series and multip le Emmy nominations, i nclu ding Outstanding Drama Series for the past t wo years , "Grey 's Anatomy" returns  to the ABC  Televisio  n Network for its fifth season.< br/>  Is &quot;h appily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "M cDreamy" ; Shepherd? W ith M eredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she a nd Dere k can be extraordin ary to  gether, ra ther than ordinary apar t -- she and Derek now face the highs and low s of being  a committed coupl e.  Continuing t  heir first year as reside nts at Se attle Gr  ace Hospi tal, Meredith, Cristi na Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including   Meredith's hal f-sister, L exie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate a nd con  fidante to George O9;Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and lea rning th at he fa iled his resi dency t  est by only one point, is strivi ng to get both his professional a nd persona  l life  back on tr ack.   After attendin g to his gir lfriend Rebecca& #39;s ment al illnes s on his own, and revealing t  hat he h ad gone through this with his  own mother, Alex finds  solace in Izzie's arm  s. A  lex m  ust continue throug h this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains b y his sid e.  Cristina, havin  g finally  won out over her to ugh-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - b ut is there a c  hance for  new love in her life as  well?   With the en   courag ement  of Mark &quo t;McSt eamy&quot; Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on lo ve with cardiothor acic surgeon, E rica   Hahn; no w, she and E rica must figure out what happens after the f irst kiss.   Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chi ef Residen t, Mira nda Bailey. Facing m arital tro ubles and  the difficulty  of balancin g her wor k and  personal life, Bai ley has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Al so striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his est ranged wi fe,  Adele.   The docto  rs of Seattl e Grace Hosp  ital deal  with life-or- death consequenc  es on a daily ba sis - i t's in one an other that they find comfort, friendship and  lov e. Togeth er they're discovering that  neithe  r medicine  nor  relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life  only  comes i n shades of g rey.  "Grey's Anatomy&q uot; stars Ellen  Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Dere k Shepherd, San dra Oh  as Cristina Yang  , Katherine Heigl as Isobel " Izzie&quot; S tevens,  Justin Chambers as Alex Karev,   T.R. Knight a  s George O&#39;Malley, Chandra Wilson as  Miranda Bailey, James P ickens, Jr.  as Richard Webbe r, Sara Rami rez as Callie Torres, Eric  Dane  as Mar k Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.  陆灵蹊眨了眨眼, 很干脆地把当初在奇怪岛石殿抢来的黑漆漆大鼎放到院中,“老祖,您看它到仙 级了吗?我筑基中期就得到它了,一直想打开它,可是,结丹的时候打 不开,元婴以 后还是打不开。到了化神,我一直忙,就 把它忘了,您帮我 瞅瞅,若是能用您就用 。”

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