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樂壇毒舌嗡嗡雞 第六季

5.0 还行

分类:美劇 英國 1999

主演:馬克·拉馬爾 菲爾·朱比圖 肖恩·休斯 



《樂壇毒舌嗡嗡雞 第六季》是由知名导演保羅·惠勒 执导的一部美劇,馬克·拉馬爾 菲爾·朱比圖 肖恩·休斯 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A  come  dy trivia q uiz based around po p mus ic, originally hosted by  Mark Lamarr up to Octobe  r 2006, c urre ntly host ed by Simon Amstel l. Te  am  ;captains Phil Jupitu s and B  ill Bailey (who repl  aced Sean Hughes in May 2002) ar e joined each week by dif ferent  mus ic s tars. Po pular  rounds inc lude one where team members hav e to identify song  intros humme d to the m and an other   where a bygone music star has to be picke d out  of a line-up of loo kalikes.< br/>  • Seas on 6  Episode #  Air  Date# Gue sts  6-01  ;   ;  ;   &n bsp; &nbs  p; &nb sp; &nb  sp;10/Sep/  99    Sister Bliss, Mart in Fry, J  ayne Middlemiss, Arthur Smith  6-02   ; &nb  sp;   & nbsp; &nbsp; & nbsp;  &nbsp;  17/Sep/ 99 & nbsp; D ave Bowers,   Jef  f Green, Nik Kersh aw, Roisin  Murphy  6-03      &n  bsp;      &nbsp;   ; &nb sp;24/S ep/99 &nbsp; Sarah Cawo od, David  Essex, J,   Pauli ne McLynn  6-04  ;  ; &nbsp; & nbsp;    &nbsp;  ; &nbsp;01/Oct/99   Stuart Adamson, Mariann e Faithfull,  Sean Lo ck, Ga il Porter<  br/>  6-05 &nb sp; &nbsp; &nbsp; & nbsp; &nbsp; &nbs p; &nbsp;  08/ Oct/99 &n bsp; Lisa Scott-Lee, Boy Geor ge, S uggs, Jo Brand  6-06   ; &nbsp; &nbsp;   &n bsp;      &n  bsp;15/Oct /99 &nbsp; Ian Br oudie, Rich Hall, Ben  Ofo edu, Suzi Quatro  6-07    ; &n  bsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbs p;   &nbsp;   22/Oct/99 &nbsp; Jam ie Benson, Vic  Henley, M ary Mary, Brya n McFa dden   6-08 &n bsp;    ;     &  nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbs p;29/Dec /99    Christmas S pecial  6-09 &nbsp;      &nb sp;  ; &nbsp;   ;  11/  Feb/00 &nbsp; Chan dras onic, Tommy Vance, Junior Simpson, Davina McCall  6-10 &nbs p;     &nbsp;   & nbsp; &nbsp;  18 /Feb/00 &nbsp; Nicky Shaw, Chas Hodges, Kelle  Bryan, Simon Day  说到这里,她把她在幽  古战场好不容易 拍来的宝物拿出,“师父,这是我们 在大拍卖会上 拍到的春月莲 子,一共有四十九枚 ,听云天海阁 的朋友说  ,他们的宗主,以前就服用过不少春月莲子, 您试试看,有 没有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意着。”

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