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主演:Greta 約翰·埃克曼 伊迪絲·埃拉斯托夫 奧洛夫·奧斯 Hjalmar Nils 

《紅花之歌》是由知名导演莫裏茲·斯蒂勒 执导的一部劇情片,Greta 約翰·埃克曼 伊迪絲·埃拉斯托夫 奧洛 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:“S ange n Om Den Eldröd  a Blomman” ( “Song O f The Scarlet Flower ” ) was a recent an d remarka ble silent surprise for this Herr  Von; th e oeuvre is  an excellen   t Herr Stiller s ilent film that this German count w atched in  a newly restored and tinted  copy. It co mbines th e well-known aesthetics, technical improvements and arti stic meri  ts for whi ch the Nordic directo r was kno wn and praised s ince  those early sil ent times till t oday .        ;        & nbsp; &n bsp; &nb sp; & nbsp; &nb  sp;    & nbsp;    ;   &n bsp;      &n bsp;   &nbsp ;       ;             &  nbsp; &nb  sp;   The  film tel ls of the m  erry and carefre  e love life of young Olof ( H err L ars Hanso n ) a woodsm an w ho during his search for true love, seduces many fr auleins ( just  like this Ge   rman arist  ocrat… well, no t exactly because the pur pose of this Herr Von’s seduction of ric h fräulein heiresses are their great fortunes… ). He will suff er disappointment a nd deception, a ll those problem s that  turn up in any loving rela tionship. Finally he will find responsi bility  and maturity,  learning during  his partic ular quest   that his ac tions always have consequences in dif ferent deg rees to  the peop le a round him. Th is Herr Von can des cribe “Sa ngen Om…” as a kind of  coming of age film, the specia l introspect  ive growth toward maturit y of a free and easy youngster. &nbs p; &nb sp;        &n bsp; &nbs p; &n bsp;          &nbs p; & nbsp; &nb sp; &n bsp;        ;               & nbsp;      ;   ;   &nb sp;    As this  German count sai d before, the film d isplay s Stil ler’s chara cteri stic artistic  virtues. ;  in the first part of  the film, we ca n see ele  ments of comedy,  not exactly  like the comedy of  intrigues in  other   Stiller film s, but hum or of a more che erfu l sort, highlighti ng the self-involvement of our hero. Ol  of ‘s frivolous flirt ations wi th th e different  girls eventually turn r omantic and then tu rn into drama. The  re is conflict in the trouble d relations hip betw  een Olof and his father and later with t he father of his bel oved. T he beau  tiful and wild natu  ral lan dscapes of N orrland and nor thern Sweden lend the  tale a certain power and is characteri stic of He  rr Stiller’s other  silents where Nature emerges as an important characte r in the story. Thi s is strongly r eflected  throughout th e film but  especially  during the frantic s cene wherein  Olof desce nds into  the troubled waters o f a river  , a beautiful metaphor  for the har dships that our he ro has to en dure u ntil he finds himse lf. &nbs p;          & nbsp; &nbs p;   &n bsp; &nb sp;   & nbsp; &  nbsp;  ;     &n  bsp;                      ;     &n bsp;     &nb sp;“Sangen Om Den El dröda Blomm an” is an excellent, beauti  ful film, a solid, technica lly per fect and i ntri cate production of 1919 tha t demonstrates o nce again th e importa nce of Herr Still er for silent film history.  这一次,她直接从袖中 暗袋里摸出一个大型储物袋,“知道我要来见您,不仅爷爷让我给您带 了好些黄 金谷做成的米饭和各类点心  ,就是我 师父师叔他们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您 弄了好些好吃的 ,我师姐采薇还把她弄的极品花茶给我了。”

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