• 正在播放:荒野獨居 第四季-第04集
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《荒野獨居 第四季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  7組競 爭者共1  4人分別空降 到溫哥華島的北部  ,每組的兩個隊員一共可以選擇10個生存裝備,並平分 裝備。每組中 需要選擇 一人降落在營地,另 一人則降落 在距離營地16k m(1 mi)的地方並需要靠指南針徒步到營地。每個人都可以在任何時間退出遊戲,同時另  一名組員也會自動被退出  遊戲。如果有組 員因爲受傷而退出,那 麽與主動退出遊戲一樣。堅  持到最後一組的兩名成員 獲得50萬美金。  提供 的裝備:   1 pa ir high le g Hunting boots  1  Pair water shoes  (crocs/sandals/ke ens)  1 T-shirt  2 fleece or wool  shir ts (h ooded or unhoo ded)    1 wool sweater  3 p airs wool socks   2 hats (b rimmed, woo l or base ball)  1 bandana or shemagh or buf f/face mask    2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one le ather work st yle glove)  2 pairs unde rwear  1 warm outdo or jacket   1 rain jac ket  1  rain pa nt  1 pair  thermal underwear (long top and bott om)  1 pair of g aiters  1 le ather belt (or syn theti c equivalent)  1 toothbru sh   1 pa  ir of eye gl asses (wi th proof of p rescripti  on)  1 per sonal photograp h   1 Multi-seas onal Sle  eping Bag (s hould be a minimum  of a -10 de grees Cel sius ratin g and synth etic )  1 Fi  xed Blade Knife  1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must   have plastic han dle)   可選裝備:每組選出1 0種  *E ach Team may select 10  items from the fo  llowing list (5 it ems per person).  *Part icipants may only choose up to 2 Food items each.   *Non-Hunting Items are limi ted to 1 of  each item liste  d per Teammate.  *The Hunting Items are  limited to   1 of each item listed pe r Team.  Shelt er  12x12 ground cl oth/t arp (grommets approved)  8 mm cl imbing rop  e - 10M  550 parachord - 20m  1 h atchet  1 saw   1 ax   B edding  1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex slee ping bag cover)   1 sleepi ng pad   1 h ammock  Co oking   1 large  pot (no m ore than 2 quarts; includes l  id)  1 steel frying pan  1 enamel bowl   for eating  1 spoon  1 canteen or water bottle  Hygien e  1 b ar soap  1 8 oz  tube of  toothpaste  1 face flannel  1 40 m roll dental   floss  1 sm all bottle bio  shower soap  1 shavin g razor   (and 1 blade)  1 towel (30” x 60”)  1  comb  Hunting (Note: only 1 ite m can be chosen  between each pair of parti cipants)  1  300-yard roll of a  single filam ent fishing line / 25 a  ssor ted Hooks (n o lure s)   1 prim  itive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of   wood )  1 small ga uge gill net (12' x 4' with 1 .5" mesh)  1 slings hot/catapult + 3 0 steel ball bearings  + 1 replacement band<  br/>  1 net foraging bag  1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire  3 l bs of one solid block of  salt  Food  2 lb  s of b eef jerky (protein)  2  lbs of  dried p ulses/le  gumes/le ntils mix (starch and carbs)  2 lbs of  biltong (pr  otein)  2  lbs o f hard tack military b iscuits (carbs/sugars)   2 lbs of chocolate (Simp le/co mplex suga rs)  2 lbs of pemmican ( traditional trail  food made from  fat and protei ns)  2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m  's and peanut s)  2 l bs of flour (s tarch/carbs )  1/3 lbs r ice/ 1/3 lb suga r / 1/3 lb of salt  Tools  1 pocke t knife   1  Leatherman multi-tool or sim ilar   1 sharpenin g stone    1 roll of  duct tape or 1 r oll of electrical tape  1 sma ll s hovel   1 s mall sewing  kit  1 carabine er  1 LED flas hlight   1 pair of ice spikes   想到那个神出鬼没的东西,印  颜的心又剧  烈跳动起来,“本来, 昌长老感觉能按住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的,它突然又厉害起 来,然后,那小冥兽,好像 鬼魅一般,借着地利,连 着抹了西才他们 的脖子,昌长老没办法,才完全放开了身体的封

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