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主演:托馬斯·米連 約瑟夫·科頓 Maria Fiore Mario Piave 盧西亞諾·卡蒂納齊 圭多·阿爾貝蒂 費米·貝努西 Silvano Tranquilli Shirley Corrigan Antonio Casale 羅薩裏奧·博雷利 盧西亞諾·皮格齊 馬裏奧·諾維裏 布魯諾·迪·魯亞 Giuseppe Castellano Tom Felleghy 伊妲·伽利 Adolfo Lastretti Bruno Alias 布魯諾·貝托奇 瓦爾特·帕特裏亞爾卡 

《膽包天》是由知名导演翁貝托·倫齊 执导的一部動作片,托馬斯·米連 約瑟夫·科頓 Maria Fiore 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Umberto Lenzi is undo ubted ly the king of Itali an c rime movies  , but un fortunately; Syn dicate Sad ists is not  the b est e xamples of his work  in this genre. Lenzi 's crim  e flicks tend to  be a c ut ab ove th e rest b  ecaus e he  makes  film s ba sed on stories with a  point, an d they don9;t lack d  irecti on; but  this film feels a bit too wayward to  fully  fit  with the re st of his  stuf f. The film takes obvi ous influence  from Sergio  Leon e';s landmark western 'A Fistful of  Dollars'  ; (w hich in tur n, took i nfluence from Akira Kurosaw a's l  andmark samurai flick Yojimbo ), in that it features two warring families an d a strong character at the centr e. The crime tha t Lenzi foc uses on is kidnapping, a nd we centr e on a cha racter calle d 'Rambo'. Ram bo is dragged into the w ar between the two fami lies after  his brother is kill ed because of it. Rambo use s his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one  anoth  er,  in the hope of gaining   reve  nge for his brother's death, rescuing a yo  ung boy that they've kidnapped, and ult imately  letting the t wo side s des troy o ne another.  The film's bi ggest  asse t is undoubtedly To mas Milian. Milian was put to   great use b y Len zi i n almost all  of his crime thrillers. The  range of  charact ers he has played for Lenzi is immense,  and this   one is  easily one of the coole  st. The character  is c alled Ramb o, which immediately sprang to mind the p opular Sylvester Stallone character  - b  ut for onc e, the  Ital ians actu  ally have n't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadis ts was released first!  As usual , the film is wick  edly e  ntertaining, as we get to watch  Milian get himself involved in the usu  al array of car chases, shootouts  and bra wls. L enzi has g ot him riding a motorbike this t ime rou nd, and every scene  featuring it and Milian is a real sta ndout! However,   the film often feels like it d oesn't rea lly ha  ve anywhe re to go, an d th is means t hat th e running t ime is stretched out more than  it s  hould be. Compared to  the crime  films of other It alian direct ors, Syndicate Sadists  is more than above average; but in relation to L enzi crime fl icks such as Almost Human   and The Cynic, The Rat and  The Fist -  it doesn 9;t stand t all a  s one of Le nzi's be st. Still , if y ou're  looking for ninety minutes  of t estos terone fuel led mayh em - Syndica te Sadis  ts will suf fice!  安画轻叹了一口气,“她在我的面前,从来没  有放开过,哪怕喝水,也小心翼翼地只沾个唇。她和 夏正明确关系以来,表面上,纯阳宗是得了丹堂 的一些照应,但是,以她和夏正的关系, 如果有心,元一百 灵丹与骷髅蝗的真正关系,我觉得,完全可以弄

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