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导演:Leon Shamroy Charles Klein 


《泄密的心1928》是由知名导演Leon Shamroy Charles Klein 执导的一部劇情片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  An i nsane man first loves then g rows t o hate his neighbor, an   old  man whose penetrating ga ze unnerves the insane man.  He plans  a perfec t crime an  d executes  it one night  . The next day, two officers   knock on the insane man's door  , investigating a shriek heard in the night. The insa ne man inv ites them in, answers th  eir questions, and submits to an examination of his eyes by one o f the officers, who pro claims  him innocent. The insane man invites them to sta y an d relax  awhile, then regal es t hem w ith his the ories of c rime. His heart begins to beat lou der.  Angles on the set are skewed to suggest the man  's interna l disar ray.  陆灵蹊搂住 小家伙时,心里软软的,“我们也好想你, 放心,爷爷会上 来的,青主儿和葵葵也会 上来的,以 后还会有敖象 、小贝他们,对了,他们也有礼物给你噢,神神秘秘地封着,也没让我看,回头你瞅瞅,要是宝石什么的,  也分我两块玩 。”

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