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主演:Ève Francis Edmond Van Daële Philippe Hériat 

《洪水1924》是由知名导演路易·德呂克 执导的一部劇情片,Ève Francis Edmond Van Da 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Though Delluc&# 39;s career was short-lived,  it burst vigorously(7 films in 4 yea rs)that it forever left i ts imprint on fr ench cinem a history, and they rightl y honoured him by giving t he annua l Prix Dell uc t o the best   French film of th e year. He was res ponsible for the creati  on of inf luential cinem a  ;journals like Le Journal du  Ciné-Club a nd Cinéa, foundin g numerous film so ciet ies, writin g countless articles and co ining the te rm " cineast e". Dell uc believed that films   should be set in th e natural without ela borat  e posturing, and characters should be portrayed in an intimate  way where the pas t and present, illus ion and re ality ca n be corre lated, a  ll c onsidered to be avant-garde at it s time . He died o nly a few weeks after the  shooting of The  Flood at the age of 33.  陆灵蹊搂住小家伙时, 心里软软的,“我们也好想 你,放心,爷爷会上来的,青主儿和葵葵也会 上来的,以后还会有敖象、  小贝他们, 对了,他们也有礼物给你噢,神神秘秘地封着,也没 让我看,回头 你瞅瞅,要是宝石什么 的,也分

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