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主演:阿蘭·貝茨 瑪吉·史密斯 伊莎貝爾·阿佳妮 安東尼·希金斯 

《四重奏》是由知名导演詹姆斯·伊沃裏 执导的一部愛情片,阿蘭·貝茨 瑪吉·史密斯 伊莎貝爾·阿佳妮 安東尼 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   It h  as been said that m ost g reat twentieth    century novel s include scenes  in a hotel, a sympto m of th e vast  uprooting that  has occur red in the la st century  : James Iv ory beg ins Quart et with a montage of the hotels  of  Montparnasse, a qu iet prelude before our introdu ction to the violently lost soul s who in  habit them.  Adapted from the 1928  autobiographical  novel  by Jean Rh  ys, Quartet is th e story of a love quadrangle between a compli cated young West Indian  woman nam ed Marya (played by Isabelle  Adjani  ), her husband Stefan (Anthony  Higgins) , a manipulative English  art patron named Heidler (Alan  Bates), and his paint er wife  Lois (Mag gie  Smith). The  film is set in the Golden Age of Paris, Hemingway's &quot;moveable f east" o f cafe culture and extravagant nightlife, glitter and lite rati: yet un derneath is the outl ine of som ething sinister beneath t he polished brasses  and brasseries.   Whe n Mary a9;s husband is put in a Paris priso n on charges of selling stolen ar t works, she  is left indigent and is taken  in by Hei dler a nd his wife: the  predatory Englishman (whose character Rhys b ases on the novelist Ford  Mado x Ford) is q uick to tak  e advantage of the new living a rrangement, and Mar ya finds  herself in a strangle hold b etween hu  sband  and wife. Love rs alternately gravitate towa  rd and are repelled by each other,  now professing their love, now c onfessing t heir brutal indifference -- a ll the while k eeping up appearances. The f ilm explores the vast ter ritory between the & quot;nice&quot; and th e &quo t;good,&quot; between  outward refine ment and inner darknes   s: after o ne violent epis ode,  Lois  asks Ma rya not to speak of it  to the Pari s crowd. &quot;Is  that all you 're worried a bout?" demands an outrage d Marya.  " ;Yes,&quo t; Lois replies with icy candor, "as a  matter of fact."  Adjani won the Bes t Actress award at  Cannes for her performance s in Quartet: her  Marya is a  volati le compound of French schoolgirl and scorned mistress, v eering be tween tremu lous joy and hysterical outburst. Smith shines in one of  her most memorable roles: she imbues Lois wit h a Katherine-of-Aragon impotent  rage, as humiliated as she is powerless in   the fa  ce of her husband&#39;s choice s. Her interactio ns w ith B ates are sc enes  from a marriage that has moved from disillusionment to pale accept ance.<  br/>  Ruth Prawer Jh abval a and James Ivory&#39;s  scr  eenplay uses  Rhys 9;s nov el as a foundation from which it constructs  a world that  is  both true to the nove l and dist inctive in its own right,   paintin g a society that has lost its inhibitions a  nd inadvertently lost it  s soul. We are ta ken t o mirrored cafes, then move through the lookin g glass: Marya   , in one sc ene, is offered  a job as a model and  then finds h erself in  a sadomaso chistic pornogra pher' s studio. The f ilm, as p hotographed by Pierre Lhomme, c reates thorough ly cinematic moments that Rhy's novel  could n ot have attempt ed: in one o f the Iv ory's most memorable scenes, a black American chanteuse (extraordinarily played by Arm elia McQ ueen) entertai ns Parisian patrons with a big  and brassy  jazz song, neith er subtle nor elegant. Ivory keeps the camera o n the singer's act : there is something in her ung uarde  d smile that makes th  e danger beneat h Montparn asse manners se em more ac ute.  陆灵蹊眨了眨眼,很干脆 地把当初在奇怪岛石殿抢来的 黑漆漆大鼎放到院中,“老祖,您看它到仙级了 吗?我筑基中期 就得到它了,一直 想打开它,可是,结丹的时候打不开,元婴以后还是打不开。到了 化神,我一直忙, 就把它忘了,您帮我瞅瞅,若是能用您就用。”

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