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导演:Catherine Gale 

主演:Hannah Fry 

《數據的樂趣》是由知名导演Catherine Gale 执导的一部紀錄片,Hannah Fry 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  A witty, exhilarating an d mi nd-expa nding explorat ion of   the w ord of   our times - data  - wi th mathemati cian Dr H annah Fry.  Following  in the footsteps of BBC F our's   previous gleefully nerdy, award-winning m aths   films The Joy o f Stats, Tails  you Win - Th e Science of Chance and Th e Joy  of Logic, th is new  high -tech romp reveal s exactly what data is  and how it  is captured, stored, shared  and made se nse of.  Fry also tells  the story  of the engineers of the data age, people mos t of us have never  heard of despite the f act they brought about a technological and philo sophi cal revolution.  For Ha  nnah Fry, the joy of d ata is all   about s potting patterns. She 's Lectu rer in the Mathemat ics of Citi es at UCL as well as bei ng the pre  senter of the BBC s  eries Trainspotting Li ve and City in the  Sky, and   she sees data as the essentia l bridge between two univ erses - the tangible, n oisy, m essy wo  rld that  we see and  experience, a nd the clean, ordered, el egant world of maths, where everything can   be capture d beautifully with equations.  Alon g the way the film rev eals the connectio n between Scrabble  scores and  online   movie streami ng, explains wh y a herd of Wilts hire dairy cows are wearing  pedometers, and uncovers the r emarkable network  map of Wikipedia. What's the  mystery li nk be tween 'm armalade'; and ' One  Direction9;?  Th e Joy of Data also hails the gi ant contribution of   Claude Shannon, the America n mathematician and electrical engin eer who , in an   attempt to solve t he problem o f noi sy telephone line s, devised a wa y to  digitise all information. It was Shannon, fath er of the 'bit',  who singlehandedly launched the 'inf ormation age '. Mean while, the green law ns of  Britain';s Nati onal Physical Laboratory host a race betwe en its young appren tices in order  to demonstra  te how and  why data moves  quickl y and su ccessfully a round m odern data  networks. It's all thanks to the  bri  lliant te chniq ue first inven ted there i n th e 1960s by Welshman    Donald Davies - packet swi tching - without which there would be no int ernet as we know it.  But wh at of the f uture, big  data and a  rtificial intell igence? Should we be worried by the  pace of cha nge, and what our own data could  and should be used for? Ult imatel y, Fry concludes, da ta h as empowered all of us . We must have machines at our side  if we're  to find  patte rns in the modern-day data deluge. But, Fry believes, reg ardless of AI and  machine lear  ning,  it will  always take us to find the meaning in them.  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好处,就要往外掏点货 ,偏偏他们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说 过的消息,再给他们来一遍,没办法 下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给 他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了, 只能跟他们八卦纯 阳宗宗主被人伏杀的 事了。

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