• 正在播放:橋第一季-第01集
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主演:金·波德尼亞 索菲亞·海林 艾倫·希靈索 馬格努斯·克雷佩 

《橋第一季》是由知名导演夏洛特·西林 执导的一部海外劇,金·波德尼亞 索菲亞·海林 艾倫·希靈索 馬格努斯 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  The halves of two bodies, one belonging to a female Swe dish pol itician, are dis  covered  in the  middle of the Øresund Bri dge,  which con nects  Copenhag en in Denma  rk with Malmö  in Sweden . The bo dy, cut i n half a t the  waist, has been placed p recisely on  the border betwee n the countries, thus falling under t he jurisdiction of both the Danish and Swedish police  agen cies. Afte r fur ther exami nation, it turns out that the body is that of two  sepa  rate corpses, with one half belonging t o a Danish prostit ute. Saga Norén , fr  om the Sw edish side, and Ma rtin Rohde, from the Da nish, lead the inves tigation t o catch the murderer.[4][5]  The investigation qu ickly escalates as a journalist, Danie l Ferbé,  whose car was used in t he crime, begins  rece iving  pho   ne ca lls. The calle r, who bec  omes known as the &quo t;Truth Terrorist" ;, claims to be comm itting his crimes in order to  draw attention to va  rious social pro blems. A social wo rker, Stefan Lindberg , who se sister b ecomes a v ictim of the Truth Terrorist, becomes an  early  suspect. However, events soon l ead the Danish and Swedish teams to conclude that  the killer has conn  ections to the police. They discover t hat th e crim es have b een  planned over a period of severa l years. T he tr ail eventually l eads them to Jen s, a Danis h po  liceman  and  former  close friend of Martin's, w ho was thought t o have committed suicide afte r an a ccident on the bridge caused the deaths of his wife and son.   In the course of the  investigation, Martin and  Saga develop a cl ose worki  ng relationship, although  they are ver  y differ ent p eople. Martin has a  twenty-year old so  n from his  first marriage, A ugust, who is no w living w ith Martin   and his current wife, Mette,  by whom Martin has three children;  after Martin has  had  a vasectom y, Mette di scovers tha  t she is expecting twins. Saga lives  alone and doe  s not seem to feel she needs a seri ous relationship, instead picking up men  in bars for casual sex. She appears to have sympto ms consist ent with Asperger  syndrome, resulting  in difficulty establishing relationships  and feelings of ina dequac y in m anaging peop le; she refuses a promotion for thi s latter reason.  After the killer has murdered several  people and successfully thr own red herrings in the way of the investigation, his true pu rpose - to strike at Martin himself - eventua lly be  come s clear. Je ns, n ow c alling himself S ebastian Sandstrod, first approaches Mette, w ho is susceptible to his a dvances, after learning that Martin has slept with Char lotte Söringer, a woman  who is p erip  herally invo lved in the investigation. S ebastian  lures Mette  and her children t o a  remote spot whe re h e subjects them t o a terrifying ordeal, locking them in with  a room and  giving her a hand grenade  with its p in removed to hold as long as she ca n. How ever, Sag a realises that  August is  the re al target.  The investigatio  n culminat es in  a confronta  tion on the bridge, w here she cannot help but tell M  artin what  happe ned to  August and has to fire at him in order  to preven t him d estroying hi s career by killing Sebast ian, the k iller's final i ntention.   从师父那里, 听过很多故事的卫九锡 看了眼正在上香的人,就接着八卦道:“我师父说, 八臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位 魔神能够分神万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇 他之人,必须 是个意志坚 定,认了死理后, 绝不会被外物影响的八臂神猿。”

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